What Is a Design Sprint? Learn The Steps For A Successful ERP Implementation

February 21, 2019

What Is a Design Sprint? Learn The Steps For A Successful ERP Implementation

When it comes to ERP implementation failures, there are four main culprits:

  1. Lack of planning
  2. Inadequate training
  3. Unrealistic expectations
  4. System integration issues.

By knowing what to watch out for and how to avoid them, you can ensure a successful ERP implementation for your business.

Failure to Understand

ERP Needs

One of the biggest ERP implementation failures is when the company does not properly understand its needs. Without a clear understanding of what the company wants and needs from ERP software, the implementation will likely be unsuccessful. A design sprint can help to clarify these needs and help to build a better ERP system.

Failure to Involve Stakeholders

ERP implementation failures often happen when the stakeholders are not involved in the process. This can lead to a lack of ownership and mistrust of the system. Involving the stakeholders early on in the process can help to avoid these issues and ensure that everyone is on board with the new ERP system.

Failure to Plan Properly

ERP implementations often go over budget and are heavily delayed due to a failure to plan properly. A design sprint can help to ensure that all aspects of the implementation are planned for and accounted for. This will help to avoid costly and time-consuming mistakes later on in the process.

Exploring the Problem

ERP implementation failures are often a result of not properly exploring the problem stage of the design sprint. In order to build an ERP software that meets the needs of your organization, it’s important to take a comprehensive look at how your business works. This includes examining both the internal and external aspects of your company. Only by doing this can you get a complete understanding of the needs that your ERP software should address.

Comparing your organization to its competitors is also essential. This will give you a better understanding of how your business works relative to others in your industry. By understanding the similarities and differences, you can better identify the areas where your company needs improvement.

Failing to properly explore the problem stage of the design sprint can lead to ERP implementation failures. To avoid this, make sure to take the time to assess your organization in its entirety. Only then can you be sure that your ERP software will meet your needs.

Converge the Information

When it comes to an ERP implementation, the key challenge is to bring all the information together in order to develop a prototype concept on paper. This allows you to visualize the grand plan and measure twice before building the entire system – which can be expensive. By converging the understanding and exploration stages together, you can ensure that all relevant data is taken into account and that any potential risks or problems are identified and corrected early on. This can help to avoid costly mistakes and ensure a successful ERP implementation.


ERP implementations often fail because the company does not properly understand its needs. A design sprint can help to clarify these needs and build a better ERP system. Involving the stakeholders early on in the process can help to avoid issues and ensure that everyone is on board with the new ERP system. Failing to plan properly is another common reason for ERP implementation failures. A design sprint can assist in ensuring that all elements of the implementation are planned for and accounted for. This will help to avoid costly and time-consuming mistakes later on in the process.

To avoid these common pitfalls, make sure to take the time to assess your organization in its entirety. Only then can you be sure that your ERP software will meet your needs. By converging the understanding and exploration stages together, you can ensure that all relevant data is taken into account and that any potential risks or problems are identified and corrected early on.

Proper planning can help to avoid costly mistakes and ensure a successful ERP implementation.

If you need help during this step of your business, reach out to us and we would be happy to chat with you about your specific needs here.

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