I’m Lindsay and I am currently a teacher. I started a platform to provide accessible education for all students, first Canadian and then North American wide, and it is going to focus on following the curriculum.
The problem I faced before working with Koridor was that I didn't really know where to start as this was my first time developing a SaaS specific startup company. Koridor helped me find solutions by giving me a roadmap with a starting and an endpoint.
The biggest result I achieved was just getting my company started and off the ground, and the idea up and running. Koridor added value in my journey by giving me constant feedback as a sounding board that I could go to anytime I needed advice.
I chose to work with Koridor because it started from a friendship with a Koridork, but it quickly became apparent that the whole team was wonderful to work with. Koridor was available and accessible whenever I needed them and they always met my timelines.
Koridor is a good fit for me because of how dynamic everyone that works there is. I feel like it’s really easy to get along with everyone on the team and it’s sound advice that you receive from each of them. I trust everyone that works there.
A moment that wouldn't have happened for me with Koridor was having the opportunity to present my pitch to investors at their networking event + non-tyechnical founders workshop. I think the connections that this company has helped me form has really taken my company to a new level.
I think the part of the business that surprised me most was how personable everybody is there. I feel like I’m dealing with friends and not just a company, the relationship is really strong!
I think any startup company would be an ideal fit for the services of Koridor because they are so flexible and are really eager to meet the needs of each individual company they are involved with.
I would absolutely recommend Koridor to others! The relationship that you form with the employees at Koridor makes you feel at home and it's definitely a team dynamic. I really appreciate any of the advice that I have gotten from anyone on the team, and can’t wait to see where we take my platform.
We’d be happy to chat with you about it if you would like to book a no pressure discovery call here, and one of our Koridorks will get back to you ASAP.