3 Tips for Developing Reliable User Discoveries: How to Ensure Accuracy in Development

July 27, 2022

3 Tips for Developing Reliable User Discoveries: How to Ensure Accuracy in Development

When it comes to software development, user discovery is key. Without accurate user discoveries, you can end up with a product that doesn't meet the needs of your users - and that's a recipe for disaster. In this video, we'll discuss three tips for developing reliable user discoveries: doing exploratory research, understanding the business objective, and having an agenda. By following these tips, you'll be able to ensure accuracy in your development process and create a product that your users will love!

Tip 1: Exploratory Research

The first step in developing reliable user discoveries is to do exploratory research. This means taking the time to understand the project and the users before you start asking questions and discovering issues. Without this overarching research, you'll be flying blind - and that's not something you want to do when developing a product!

Exploratory research can be as simple as youtubing or googling questions you may have about the idea. It can be as simple as, "What do people hate about Facebook," if you are building a social media platform. Once you have a better understanding of the user's pain, you can then tailor the business objectives around it.

Tip 2: Understanding the Business Objective

Once you've done your exploratory research, it's time to focus on the business objective. This is the driving force behind the product, and if it's weak, the product will be weak as well. Make sure that you have a clear understanding of the business objective before moving on to tip number three!

Business objectives are based on having set goals for the end-users to achieve in order to see results. The results are the end goal for the business, as the end goal is the reason people will pay for the product.

Tip 3: Having an Agenda

Having a clear agenda is the third and final tip for developing reliable user discoveries. When you're conducting user discovery sessions, it's important to have an agenda so that you can keep on track and ensure that all of the important information is covered. This will help to prevent any issues from being missed and will make the process run more smoothly.

An agenda for user discovery sessions might include topics such as the business objectives, what the user wants to achieve, and how they will use the product. By covering all of these topics, you'll be able to get a well-rounded understanding of the user's needs and wants.

User discovery is essential to software development, but it can be a challenge to ensure accuracy in your discoveries. By following these three tips - doing exploratory research, understanding the business objective, and having an agenda - you'll be able to develop reliable user discoveries and create a product that your users will love!

Do you have any tips for developing reliable user discoveries? Share them with us on one of our social media platforms.

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